Gelişimsel dil bozukluğu olan ve normal gelişim gösteren çocuklarda sözdizimini anlama becerileri ile sözel çalışma belleği ilişkisinin incelenmesi

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Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü


The present study aims to investigate the relationships between the ability of comprehension of complex syntax structures and verbal working memory in children with and without developmental language disorders. The 36 children with developmental language disorders whom take place in the unrelated measures design and relational research method study are 12 children with down syndrome (4 girls and 4 boys), 11 children with autism (1 girl and 11 boys) and 12 children with specific learning disability (2 girls and 10 boys). Normally developing sample consists of 36 children (7 girls, 29 boys) between 3-9 years. Nonverbal intelligence coefficients were used in order to pair the control and study groups. Expressive language performances were assessed with spontaneus language samples and MLU?s were calculated. To assess the verbal working memory, nonword repetition test and to assess the ability of comprehension of complex syntax structures, test of comprehension of complex syntax structures were applied. The findings showed that not only age and nonverbal intelligence, but also language measurements such as MLU were linked with verbal working memory and ability of comprehension of complex syntax structures. It was found that verbal working memory and ability of comprehension of complex syntax structures were related in both study and control groups and children with developmental language disorders were found to have lower performances in both study variables compared to control group. Finally, it was further determined that verbal working memory and MLU predict the performances on understanding complex syntax structures and conditional clauses were the most difficult structures for both study and control groups.



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